There's Not Enough Hours in the Day!

Have you ever been in the middle of doing something and thought, "There are not enough hours in the day!"? Well, you're not alone. We all feel that way sometimes. And it turns out that many people are even more productive than they need to be because they're trying to get everything done at once instead of pacing themselves and making sure they get everything done well—not just quickly. But what if there was a way to have a healthy sense of time management without falling into this trap? How could you stay organized without putting yourself under so much pressure that your anxiety levels rise?

An overwhelming schedule can feel like it's out of your control.

You're not alone if you feel like your schedule is out of control. In fact, it's a common feeling among people who work hard but still don't have enough hours in the day to get everything done.

The difficulty of managing an overwhelming schedule is twofold: first, there are a lot of things to accomplish and second, they all seem very important. It can be difficult to choose what work needs to be done first and then prioritize accordingly. When this happens often enough (it does), it almost feels like there isn't enough time left over to breathe!

Schedule your priorities first.

To reach that ambitious goal, you need to start by prioritizing your tasks. This means figuring out what needs to be done first and then making sure that it gets done. In order to do this, you should schedule your day like a pro:

  • Plan your day the night before. No matter how busy you are during the day, make sure that you plan everything out in advance so that you know exactly what needs to get done and when. If possible, also write down any important deadlines so that they can be added to your calendar or planner at a later date.

  • Don't try to do everything at once! Instead of trying to juggle several projects at once (which will only result in stress), focus on one task at a time until it's finished before moving on to the next thing on your list. If there are too many things going on all at once then chances are something could slip through the cracks unnoticed—and who knows how much more work this would cause later down the road?

Pace yourself.

It's important to pace yourself and make sure you're not overloading your brain with too much work at once.

Take breaks throughout the day, even if it seems like there's no time! You can always come back to a project later if you have a break planned.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by what's on your plate, take some deep breaths and try to relax. Sometimes it's helpful to take time away from everything so that when you do get back into it, the tasks don't feel overwhelming anymore.

Be aware of how much energy (and enthusiasm) each task requires: some things are more draining than others! If something isn't working out as well as expected or taking longer than expected, cut your losses and move on; don't force yourself to finish it just because there was a lot of effort put into getting started in the first place.

Break big tasks into small steps.

If there's one thing that stops most of us from getting things done, it's the fact that we think about everything all at once. We're afraid to make a move because we're worried about what might go wrong if we do. But by breaking down your work into small chunks and focusing on each piece in turn, you'll be able to feel more confident about completing your project and moving on to the next item on your list. And even if something goes wrong along the way—and let's face it: something will—you won't have lost too much time or momentum because you've already finished some of it!

There are two main benefits here: One is that when tasks are broken into smaller pieces, they feel less overwhelming; this helps with motivation as well as motivation itself (see below). Another is that breaking up big projects just feels good; it gives us a sense of accomplishment when each part is finished!

Make life easier for yourself by asking for help and accepting it when someone offers to help you.

What if you could make your life easier?

It's not just a nice idea, it's a possibility. You can make life easier for yourself by asking for help and accepting it when someone offers to help you. There is no need to feel guilty about asking for help or accepting it when offered. Remember that saying no to help is okay too!

Remember that there are people who can help you with the things that are difficult or hard for you. You are not alone in this world and there are resources available everywhere around us if we take the time to look for them.

Know yourself and do what works best with your personality, temperament, and preferences.

Knowing yourself is important. It helps you to know what you need to do to get things done, as well as what others need from you. Knowing yourself helps you know your strengths and weaknesses so that you can plan accordingly.

It's easy to forget about this advice when there's so much on your plate at any given time but taking a few moments every day (or before starting each new task) can go a long way toward helping everyone get where they want or need to be!

Some values and wants may need to be adjusted or give way to other things that are important to you too.

In the end, it's important to remember that not all values and wants are created equal. Sometimes you have to be flexible and let go of some things in order to achieve other things that are more important.

It's okay if you don't always stick with the plan!

Don't be afraid of change.

You can have a healthy sense of time management without falling into the trap of over-scheduling yourself or driving yourself nuts trying to plan everything out perfectly. Someday, when you have more free time, you might even enjoy looking back at the jam-packed days of your life and remembering how much fun you had doing all those things!

There are times when you will feel frustrated, or even angry at the world around you. You may feel like you’re drowning in responsibilities that never end and are always piling up higher than before. You might be tempted to say something like “There’s not enough hours in a day!” but then catch yourself and think “Oh yeah, I can totally make more time if I try hard enough!”

Well, guess what? That won't work either because time is just weird and unpredictable like that (especially if you're dealing with deadlines). Instead of stressing out about how quickly time seems to be flying by right now, take some deep breaths and relax your mind—the stress isn't doing anyone any good anyway! And don't beat yourself up if an assignment ends up being done later than expected; it happens sometimes! Just keep going with whatever else needs your attention instead of obsessing over something minor like missing one deadline when there are many other things on your plate right now anyways.


If you feel like there's no time in your day, don't despair! There are many ways to manage your schedule more effectively and make sure that you're getting the most out of each day. Start by planning your priorities first and then pacing yourself throughout the rest of the day so that it doesn't feel like such an overwhelming task. If all else fails, ask for help from those around you who are willing to lend their support!


No, I don't have trauma.....or do I?


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